is the standard for entrepreneurship education in the United States
The CEO Program teaches Creativity.Leadership.Encouragement
The CEO class meets for 90 minutes a day, Monday through Friday, and is a year-long experience. Students receive 2 credits for participating in the program.
A key part of the success enjoyed by the class is rooted in a Facilitator who guides from the side challenging each individual student and manages the experiential nature of CEO.
Funding for the CEO Program is Investor/Donor based. Businesses, organizations and individuals in the community support CEO not only financial contributions but also hosting classes, serving as guest speakers and participating in mentoring students.
CEO programs choose to offer the opportunity to senior and/or junior students from homeschool, public and private schools. Programs utilize a blind application process. Throught the experience students grow their network, complete two group business experiences, start their own business which is showcased at an annual Tradeshow.
The Classroom
The class meets in local businesses and changes locations throughout the year with 30-40 guest speakers. This helps the students from multiple school districts establish a common identity based on their CEO experience and a greater appreciation for their areas professional work environments.
CEO mentors help students immerse themselves in real life learning experiences with the opportunity to take risks, manage the results, and learn from the outcomes.
About Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship
At the Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship, we believe that entrepreneurship is much more about a mindset than it is a body of business knowledge, much more about a new way to view.... Learn More
We're not the only ones excitedhappy about the CEO program...
What is CEO?
Our local business community partners with area schools to create project-based experiences for students by providing funding, expertise, meeting space, business tours, and one-on-one mentoring.
Students visit area businesses, learn from guest speakers, participate in a class business, write business plans, and start and operate their own businesses. Business concepts learned through the experiential CEO class are critical; the 21st century skills of problem-solving, teamwork, self-motivation, responsibility, higher-order thinking, communication, and inquiry are at the heart of a student’s development throughout the course.
CEO Business Investors